Mittwoch, 5. April 2017

Russian Artillery Vignette 1/72

                                                   Russian Artillery
                                    Figuren der Firma Ehmar
Den Zaun habe ich aus Balsaholz gemacht
Den Boden aus Spachtelmasse und etwas streugut
die ich in verschieden Tönen bemalt habe
Figurenbemalung in arcyl 


                               So Hoffe doch das euch diese Vignette gefällt
                               mir hat es nee Menge Spass gemacht die zu bauen

4 Kommentare:

  1. Excellent figures, very realistic base and the setting is
    really alive 'n kicking!!!If your figures wasn't in the
    picture it would be very hard to imagine how small are these
    fellows!! Keep up the Brushes!!!

    Regards, George.


  2. Hi many thanks for your feedback, I am really happy if the figures also please others I love the painting of the characters and try to learn new
    I am thrilled with the hobby figurenmalen


  3. Hi michi
    Many Thanks
    Looking forward to welcome you on my side
    Hope could convince you with my arbeuten
